Today we had our 9th Flavored Dr Pepper Taste test. We tested several of the previous winning flavors against each other to see how they fared. These flavors were Vanilla, Mango, Peppermint and Cinnamon. Which one do you think won? We had a clear winner as you will see.
We had a total of 64 people who participated today. Along with our Texas visitors, we also had visitors from Louisiana, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Missouri, Illinois and Arkansas.
42% of our participants were under 20 years of age and the rest were 21 and older.
52% of our participants chose Cinnamon Dr Pepper as their favorite. Over a quarter of our participants chose Mango Dr Pepper as their favorite and 22% chose Vanilla. Only 7% preferred Peppermint.
For those flavors chosen as the participants least favorite flavors, 39% did not like Peppermint, 36% did not like Mango, and Cinnamon and Vanilla both got 11% of votes of least favorite flavor today.
While 41% said they liked the original Dr Pepper over todays flavors, 23% said they liked Cinnamon Dr Pepper more then the regular Dr Pepper, 12.5% said they liked Vanilla Dr Pepper more than regular, another 12.5% said they liked Mango Dr Pepper more and 9.3% said they liked Peppermint.
Over half of today's visitors said they maybe would buy the flavored versions if offered, 39% said definitely they would buy them and 7.8% they definitely would not buy them.
56.25% would buy a Cinnamon Dr Pepper; 27% said they would buy a Vanilla Dr Pepper and another 27% would buy a Mango Dr Pepper while only 9.3% would buy a Peppermint Dr Pepper.
Our last taste test will be held during the Dog Days festivities held at the museum on August 22. Stay tuned for more details about this exciting event!!