Friday, July 10, 2009

5th Flavored Dr Pepper Taste Test

Today we had our 5th flavored Dr Pepper taste test of the summer. This week we had the new flavors of coffee, peppermint, plum, and walnut! Take a look at the results below:

We had 39 people who took the test.

We had visitors from Texas, Florida, Georgia, and Maryland. We even had some international guests from Korea!

13% were between the ages of 0-10
18% were between the ages of 11-20
15% were between the ages of 21-30
20% were between the ages of 31-40
8% were between the ages of 41-50
5% were between the ages of 51-60
5% were between the ages of 61-70
5% were age 71 and up

Which Flavor did you like Most?
30.77% said they liked Peppermint DP the most.
28.21% said they liked Plum DP the most.
28.21% said they liked Coffee DP the most.
10.26% liked Walnut DP the most.

Which flavor did you like the least?
41.03% said they liked Walnut DP the least.
30.77% said they liked Plum DP the least.
15.38% said they liked Peppermint DP the least.
10.26% said they liked Coffee DP the least.

Which flavor did you like more than regular Dr Pepper?
15.82% said they liked Peppermint DP more than regular DP.
12.82% said they liked Plum DP more than regular DP
5.13% said they liked Coffee DP more than regular DP.
2.56% said they liked Walnut DP more than regular DP.
61.54% said they did not like any of the flavored DP more than regular DP.

Would you purchase any of the flavors if they were sold at your local grocery store?
41.03% said maybe.
28.21% said yes.
12.82% said no.
12.82% didn't know

Which one(s)?
33.33% said they would buy Peppermint DP.
33.33% said they would buy Coffee DP.
23.08% said they would buy Plum DP.
17.95% said they would buy Walnut DP.

We'll do this again next Friday from 11:30 to 12:30. Come by for a visit to the Dr Pepper Museum and see what flavored Dr Pepper you would like.

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